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Dookie Anne

144 bytes removed, 12:18, 13 February 2018
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{{Modelinfo|title1 = Dookie Anne|image1 = Dookie_anne.jpg|weight = 600 lbs. (peak)|weight_class = USSBBW|body_type = HourglassApple|activity = Active|earning_status = Amateur|part_of_a_network = No|height = 5' 4"|website = [ Dookie Anne's YouTube]}}'''Dookie Anne''' is a 29-year-old French USSBBW. Her real name is Anne Cheminade and she is currently losing weight (400lbs now).
She has appeared in the French french documentary''' '''"Tellement vrai - Obésité le combat de leur vie," which is ''' available on [ Youtube]. After reaching a peak weight of 600 pounds, she began losing weight and is currently around 400 pounds.
She has a [ Youtube], an [ Instagram], and a [ Twitter].
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