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Template:Infobox album

Revision as of 03:04, 28 March 2017 by Default (talk)
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<infobox> <title source="title"><default>Unknown</default></title> <image source="image"><caption source="imagecaption"/></image> <label>Artist</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Released</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Recorded</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Length</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Label</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Producer</label><default>Unknown</default> </infobox>

Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Infobox_album/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)


To use this template, enter the following and fill in the appropriate fields. Most fields left blank will not show up. Don't forget to include brackets, to make the fields into links.


{{infobox album
 | title         = 
 | image         = [e.g. "Example.jpg"]
 | imagecaption  = 
 | artist        = 
 | released      = 
 | recorded      = 
 | length        = 
 | label         = 
 | producer      = 


{{infobox album
 | title         = Fleur
 | image         = Example.jpg
 | artist        = Marigold
 | released      = June 2012
 | recorded      = 2011
 | length        = 88:88
 | label         = Spring
 | producer      = Daffy

Results in...

<infobox> <title source="title"><default>Unknown</default></title> <image source="image"><caption source="imagecaption"/></image> <label>Artist</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Released</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Recorded</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Length</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Label</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>Producer</label><default>Unknown</default>
