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1 byte removed, 13:53, 22 February 2020
Text replacement - "image1" to "image"
{{Modelinfo|title1 = Shazzy|image1 image = DSCF2327.jpg|weight_class = USSBBW|body_type = Apple|activity = Retired|earning_status = Professional|part_of_a_network = Supersized Bombshells|website = []|height = 6' 0"|weight = 600+ lbs.}}'''Shazzy''' (Sharon Hill) is a Caucasian British USSBBW. She was a model for [[Supersized Bombshells]]. She was also featured in a British TV documentary in January 2015 "Shut-ins: Britain's Fattest People" which showed some of Britain's heaviest people and why they didn't leave their homes. A follow up to this documentary in January 2017 showed Shazzy as having had WLS surgery and her subsequent new and happy lifestyle.[[Category:USSBBW]]