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182 bytes added, 00:14, 13 March 2020
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{{Modelinfo|height = 5' 6"|weight = 300 lbs.|weight_class = BBW|modeling_network = Dimensions Magazine|website = [ Terra] on Dimensions (offline; backup)|image = terraDM.jpeg}}
<blockquote>''My name is Terra Shamblin- Beezel. I'm a 23 year old with blue eyes, blond hair, about 5'6", and around 300lbs. I'm a Junior in college, majoring in Criminal Justice, where I have maintained Dean's List my entire college career, made the Honor Society, and made it in the All American Collegiate Scholars book. I grew up hating the fact that I was overweight, but when I started to see magazines such as Dimensions, I realized that I too, had beauty. Ever since then my self esteem has soared, I've opened up more and I see beauty in women of all shapes and sizes.''</blockquote>
'''Terra Shamblin-Beezle''' was a Caucasian BBW model featured in Dimensions Magazine's June 1998 issue. She was also the subject of 2 [[Dimensions Wide Angle Video Productions]]: ''Dimensions Presents #16: Fantastic Terra - A Fat Fantasy Comes To Life'' and ''Dimensions Presents #17: Fantastic Terra - Terra 2: Terra Eats''.
[[Category:Dimensions Magazine]]
[[Category:Dimensions Wide Angle]]