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Big cutie violet

637 bytes added, 18:41, 24 April 2021
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Big Cutie VioletBBW

VioletBBW is a retired model who was active in the early 2000s and retired a few years after. She is 5'3 and, at her biggest, was around 319 pounds. She was once slim and began gaining weight in her mid-to-late 20s, found BigCuties and, in her own words, "Gained away!" Her most famous vids include:

1. Coming down a flight of stairs at her highest weight, wearing nothing but panties
2. Sitting on her couch, counting her new rolls for the camera.
3. Being at a public pool, wandering over to a beach chair and lying down on it, with audible groans from the chair.

She is a widow, with two children.