Weight Room Title Bar

by South

as alicia unpacks her bookbag, she pulls out the tests she planned on grading over the break. she figures the day after christmas is as good as any...

the last thing she pulls from her bag is an unmarked present. . . it doesn't say who it's from

alicia thinks to herself... how odd. . . pleasant surprise though, she adds..

she notes the tag which reads: DON'T OPEN UNTIL DEC.27.

now that's silly, two days after christmas, what's the point? pulling off the tag and bow, she proceeds to unwrap the gift, against the warning...


alicia is lying face down in the sand on zuma beach .

she lifts her head from the towel and looks around . . . nobody for miles. ah, I have the whole beach to myself... she rolls over on the towel... wonder if I look like a beached whale to the planes overhead, she muses to herself... at three hundred pounds, she was whale-sized ..... . also, in need of a tan, her pale skin was surely fish-belly white... but in the skimpy bikini, alicia added color to her enormous body very quickly...

her breasts overflowing the bikini top, alicia rolled back onto her fat belly and drifted off to sleep... or so she thought...

when she woke up, she was ravenous...

but so comfortable, she hated to move. . . she tasted sugar on her lips and licked them clean . . where did that come from, she wondered.

she rolled off the towel and onto the sand... she put her mouth to the sand and licked it. . mmmm, brown sugar! she gobbled a mouthful and swallowed. . how wonderful, she thought, my own beach made of brown sugar... and I get to consume it all!

and would she ever!

days later, a plane flew over alicia and reported a beached whale at zuma.. on further inspection, the pilot canceled the distress call....

"just a huge girl sunbathing" reported the pilot, "a very LARGE girl" . . .

alicia weighed over 8000 pounds now. she continued to gorge on the brown sugar, but struggled lately.

lying face down she was having a hard time reaching the sugar since her breasts were now the size of swollen beach balls. they propped her up and pushed her away from her desired treat. .. this frustrated her to no end. not to mention her VW beetle sized butt cheeks which kept her from rolling over... they were indeed tan like a cocoa bean . . . but as they grew larger they were not in danger of burning under the hot sun...

oh, i'm so hungry she thought, and my breasts are in the way...

just then her friends darcy and angela walked up to alicia and offered to help. in no time at all, the two girls were digging tunnels under the sand in order to reach alicia's softball sized nipples.. they struggled to fit them in their mouths, but did so gleefully...

soon they were "milking" the beached whale and relieving the pressure.. soon alicia was facedown in the sugar, gobbling, gorging and growing, her ass double in size within the hour..

now she was almost 20,000 pounds...

everytime her breasts pushed her too far from the sugary beach, darcy and angela dug and sucked, dug and sucked... they too grew fat from all of alicia's milk... but they never even came close to her size.

the latest report from the coast guard had a sighting of a beached whale (100,000 pounds or more) and her two fat calves nursing at her side...