Weight Room Title Bar

By Iam Unknown

Laura was tied up to a chair. She was naked. Laura had brown hair and was extremely thin. A masked man walked up to her with a glass. There seemed to be a green glowing liquid in the glass. "Open wide," the man said. Laura threw back her head and opened her mouth. The man poured all of the green liquid into Laura's mouth.

"Now what's so bad about being fat?" the man asked. Laura began to grow as she answered...

"The humiliation, the embarrassment, the flatulence," she said, frowning. Her stomach expanded. It began to pour between the ropes. A rope strand snapped from her growing gut. Her fattening wrists snapped the ties around her hands. All the ropes that bound her exploded off. She was still growing. "Ok. Make it stop, now.

“No more growing. Ok. I'm huge. Oh no...I'm getting too fat! NO! THIS IS ENOUGH! I'M TOO FAT AND I'M GOING TO EXPLODE!" Laura pleaded. She farted very loudly and started crying. The masked man had a dinner plate in his hands. There was an entire Thanksgiving turkey on the plate. Laura grabbed the whole turkey with one hand and shoved it down her ever-expanding mouth...bones and all.

Laura woke up. She was thin again. She was in her jeep in the middle of the desert. Laura was a government scientist. They were testing an atomic bomb in the Sahara. She got out of the jeep and walked over to the atomic bomb to make the final check. She cleared everything and got back into her jeep. She drove off in a hurry as she heard that she didn't have much time left. Then, the jeep came to a devastating halt. She turned the ignition many times. No go. She jumped out of the jeep and made a run for it. The count down ticked away. 3. 2. 1. She stopped, turned, and looked as she saw a flash of light, then an explosion that was spreading toward her. She shielded herself from the explosion...then blacked out.

Laura woke up. She was in a hospital bed. She looked around the room and saw a doctor and her best friend, Angie. "Rise and shine," Angie said. Laura looked at Angie. "Where am I? And why do I feel this weight pulling me down?"

"You're in the hospital. You were knocked out by the blast, but you're still fine and healthy. The weight thing you feel...well...look at your body," Angie said.

Laura looked down to see a bulge under the covers. It was about the size of a basketball. She gasped. "Where did that come from?! What did you people feed me while I was out?!" "When we found you, a belly had already developed. It's grown since then. It's some kinda side effect from the blast," Angie explained.

Laura looked at the doctor. "What is she talking about, doc?" Laura asked.

"Your fat cells are multiplying. Right now you weigh 180 pounds. You're getting fatter as we speak, and we have no reason to believe that it will stop," the doctor said.

Laura couldn't believe it. "So what now?" she asked.

"We send you home and keep a watching eye on you," the doctor said. "You will experience a greatly increased feeling of flatulence and hunger."

Laura wanted to cry. She just closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Laura walked into her apartment. She laid her bags on the floor. She weighed 230 pounds. She went into her bedroom and stripped down and got into the bed. She fell asleep and dreamed.

Laura was back to her old weight. She was thin again. She was lying in a chair that had been reclined. There were tools around her. "I'm at the dentist. It was all a dream," Laura sighed. She waited for the dentist to come in. Then, a tube came from out of the ceiling above her and lowered itself into her mouth. A yellow goo began to pump into her stomach. As this happened, she began to balloon. The buttons of her blouse popped off. One by one they shot off across the room. Her blouse opened up and revealed her massive growing belly. She farted. It actually turned her on. She tried to scream, but the tube filled her whole mouth and all she could do was mumble.

A man walked in. He had on a dentist outfit. He pulled out another tube and hooked it to her now exposed belly button. He flipped the switch and her stomach began to expand twice as fast as it did before.

Laura opened her eyes. She was in her bed. "Why do I keep having dreams about getting fat?" she asked. She felt unusually heavy. She looked down and saw her body was massive. She struggled out of bed. She was having trouble standing up. "I guess the atomic bomb thing wasn't a dream. Oh my goodness. How much fatter have I gotten?" she asked herself. She went over to the scale. It read 420 pounds. "Oh no. I'm getting too fat. What if I explode?! Ugh. I'm sick of this. I'm going to be fat and I can't help that. Why don't I just gorge out?" Laura said to herself. She called Angie. "Angie? I need food!"

Angie walked into Laura's apartment carrying 4 large pizzas. "Laura?! You in here?!" Angie called. "In the bedroom!" Laura yelled back. Angie walked into Laura's bedroom and gasped. "You...grew," Angie said.

"I now weigh 500 pounds," Laura said, smiling. She was lying on her back on the bed naked. Her stomach was very round. She passed gas from her titanic butt and smiled. "You have to get used to that. I do it a lot," Laura said. Then, Laura felt a tingling sensation in her stomach. "Oooo another growth spurt...these are fun, watch," Laura said. Then, like a balloon, her stomach began to grow. Any signs of a neck that she had melted into a third chin. Her cheeks inflated like she had a balloon in her mouth. Her butt swelled right before Angie's eyes. Then, Laura farted. But she didn't just do it once. She did it many times. And every time she did it, it made her squeal. Then, she stopped growing.

"Laura, after you eat these pizzas, Doctor Johnson said to take you to Area 51. You've become very high profile," Angie explained.

Laura was pushed in a wheel chair. It was specially made for her by the government. Angie pushed her into a huge room. Laura saw an observation room about 100 ft high. Then a voice came over the intercom. "Laura. We have reason to believe that any minute, you will grow about 50 feet tall and weigh about 50 million pounds. We must contain you in here so you don't do any damage on nearby cities," Dr. Johnson explained.

"No! I won't let you! This is not fair to take away my freedom like that." Then, she started to grow. The chair creaked and strained under her growing body. Her thighs pushed against the arms of the wheel chair. The chair then collapsed and Laura was lying down and couldn't get up. "What's happening to me?! I'm getting too fat!!! STOP IT!!! HELP ME!!!" she pleaded.

"There's nothing we can do, but let nature take its course, Laura. I'm sorry," Johnson said.

"Noooo!!! I'll explode!" Laura shouted. Her body was widening. The top of her stomach was now 8 feet off the ground. She was now about 8 feet wide, too. "Ah!!! I'm...getting...too...fat..." Laura said as her air supply lowered. She farted and the room reverberated.

5 Hours Later...

The streets of Phoenix, Arizona were busy. Cars were stuck in traffic; people crowded the streets. It was beginning to look more like New York than Phoenix. Then, the ground shook. Many people fell to the ground. Women everywhere gasped and the men shouted. Car alarms went off. But the ground only shook for 2 seconds, then stopped. Then, after 3 more seconds, another 2-second tremor occurred. It knocked back down everyone that had just gotten up. The screams off people on the other side of the block could be heard. The screams got louder and louder. Then, around the corner came a mob of screaming, scared people. No one knew what was going on, but out of instinct, everyone else started running too.

One man stayed to see what everyone was running from. He looked around and saw no one except the mob that had made its way far down the road. The ground shook, but he managed to stay up. He heard a booming voice say, "FOOD! MUST HAVE FOOD!" Then he saw a dome of flesh poke out from the corner of the buildings where the mob came from. Then he saw a leg step forward and giant breasts resting on top of this things gigantic dome of a belly. Then he saw a face and arms and the rest of the body. It was a 50-foot woman. But she was HUGE! If she was human sized, she would have weighed a million pounds. She looked at the man. She turned around, bent over in a 135-degree angle, and farted so loud, that it sounded like a jet engine blast exhaust. The man flew back along with cars and whatever else was in the streets. They all flew back about 150 feet before coming to a landing. The man was killed. Laura turned around to see what she had done and smiled. She continued her quest for food.

The ground vibrated with every step Laura took and so did her body. Waves of fat flowed all over her tremendous body. She then stopped. "UH OH," she said.

A military jeep drove through the deserted streets of Phoenix. The jeep pulled up to a giant brown pile of something. It was about 8 feet high. Angie and Dr. Johnson got out. "It looks like fudge. But it doesn't smell like fudge," Angie said, covering her nose.

"It's Laura's excretion. Her body's starting to run out of room to store the fat, but with her slowed metabolism, it won't be able to work fast enough to get it all out. She may literally explode..." Johnson said.

"How can we help her?!" Angie asked, saddened.

"I don't know if we can..." Johnson said.

"WELL, WELL, WELL. LOOK WHO IT IS," Laura's voice boomed. Johnson and Angie turned around to see a 70 ft, 70,000,000 pound Laura. "I HAVE THIS HUNGER THAT WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED EVEN IF I EAT! AND IT'S ALL THE GOVERNMENT'S FAULT!" Laura said, angrily.

"Laura! You're going to explode! Your metabolism isn't working fast enough to make room for your multiplying fat!" Johnson said.

"I DON'T CARE! IF I DIE, IT WILL BE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE! YOU BOTH WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT THAT MADE ME LIKE THIS!" Laura said. She turned around and bent over and farted. It was less powerful than the ones she had been letting out, but was still powerful. The pile of excretion blew apart and Johnson and Angie were thrown back. Then, jets came. F-18 fighter jets, to be exact. "NOW YOU'RE GOING TO FINISH ME OFF?! I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!" Laura shouted. One jet was carrying a massive 50 ft cake. The jet dropped it right in front of Laura. Her eyes went wide and she smiled as she waddled over to the cake. She shoved handful after handful of it into her mouth. This made her grow.

Johnson saw her growing and widening and shouted into his radio, "Quick! Do it now while she's busy and before she gets too fat!" The jets dropped gas bombs all around Laura and Johnson and Angie ran. Laura smelled the gas. "NO!!! I'M TOO FAT AND TOO HUNGRY!!! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!" she shouted. Then her eyes closed and she collapsed. Johnson spoke into his radio. "Good job. Now let's get her to the island," he said.


Laura was placed on an island. There were uncivilized Indians on the islands that found Laura and claimed her their god, Celuzilla. The Indians would feed her every night and worship her. Laura liked this new life, but she has sworn to make the government pay for her new size. She loved being fat, and loved being able to always eat. But she still misses her old life.