Weight Room Title Bar

I Hate My Twin
By Zarbon

Part Eight

Now that Jenny was home she was eating all time and getting loads of food delivered to her house, thanks to the web site money. She sat, stuffing herself for her paying fans and happily grew fatter by the day. As she grew, Jenny found getting up was really hard for her. This meant getting food was harder for her, and she was getting frustrated. She knew she needed some help, as she found she was getting closer to being immobile at 698 lbs. She only fitted one of her tight-ass bras and often spent her days naked and getting fatter. She was getting more then enough cash from the web site, and she still had most of her savings. She was also receiving a disability cheque which went to the food bill. She had enough cash to move out and really wanted to, but it wouldn't be any different to being at home other then she would be all alone and be living somewhere that wasn't so fat-friendly. She told her mom she was thinking about leaving home, and her mother was dead against it. It would be easy enough for Jenny to get hurt or fall over, and then she wouldn't have anybody around to help her out.

“Is there nothing you want to make you stay?”

“All I want is food, but I can't get up to get it. I get so hungry, mom,” she moaned.

“Well, I can't stay home all the time, can I?”

“No, but I could use a personal assistant. You know she could help me out food shopping, food fetching, helping me to the toilet,” said Jenny.

“Look, how about I make some calls, and we try and get you an assistant? I am sure they gave us some numbers to try when we organised your disability money.”

“Great, I will carry on snacking then… Oh, wait a sec, mom. Let me make a call first; I have a friend who I want to try first,” said Jenny, reaching out for the phone with one fat hand and popping food into her mouth with the other.

“Hi, Mel, how are you?” wheezed Jenny to her friend, after half choking on the chocolate she was eating

“Oh, hi, Jenny! How are you? I haven't seen you for ages.”

“I'm great. How are you? How is work?”

“It's been crap ever since you went, all we do now is work in silence cus you aren't there to talk with us. Oh yeah, and everybody is always moody cus they are all dieting to try and lose all the weight.”

“What about you?”

“Well, I am not going to the gym or anything, but I guess I am eating less then I used to. So how is your diet going? You said you were slimmer last time we talked.”

“Umm, yeah, well, you caught me on a funny day. I kind of fell off the wagon.”

“Oh, don't tell me you have put on weight?”

“Just a few lbs here and there. Anyway, want to come over?”

“Alright, I will be there in a bit. Can't wait to see you, babe.”

With that, they both hung up, and Jenny went to go and try and make herself up to try and shift some of the attention away from her near 50lb weight gain, which wasn't as noticeable on her already huge frame as you would imagine.

It took Mel a long time to get to Jenny's house, and when a bloated Jenny opened the door in just a bra and tight joggers, she saw a lardy Mel in even tighter jeans and a t-shirt so tight it rolled up her stomach. They both were a little surprised by each other's weight gain after their chat but hugged as well as possible, and they both sat down .

“…So, Mel, you look good.”

“Okay, okay, I guess I wasn't too honest about the whole diet thing, but I can tell you have gained a few, too.”

“Yeah, well… Mel you know you can unbutton those jeans if you want. Nobody is around other then me, and you have seen me do the same and more,” said Jenny, seeing her best friend sitting uncomfortably on the edge of her seat and obviously sucking in her gut. Mel smiled and un-popped the jeans, and they both giggled when they heard the zip go down on its own.

“It's not that I am unhappy to see you, Jen, but why did you invite me over?”

“Well, I have a bit of a proposition for you, Mel. As you can see I am having difficulty getting about; you know, getting food and going out and stuff.”


“Well, me and my mom have decided I should get a personal assistant to help me out, make sure I am clean, fed and safe.”


“Can't you see where I am going with this? I want you to do it; I can pay you and you can live here instead of spending all your time going back and forth from your flat. You said yourself work is no fun, so what do you think?”

“What would I have to do?”

“Well, go food shopping for me, fetch me food from the kitchen, stuff like that, things I can't really do too well. You being here during the day is a weight off my mom's mind, cus if I fall over or something I could really hurt myself.”

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

“Yeah,” smiled Jenny “So what do you think? I will have to get one anyway, and I don't want some stranger with me all the time. I want my best friend.”

“You say you can't get about too well. Can you…you know, go to the toilet and bathe yourself?”

“I can go to the toilet on an empty stomach but there have been occasions where I haven't made it when I have been too full to get up. I can bathe myself though, cus we have a Jacuzzi now.”

“So will I have to clean you up?”

“Will that be a problem?”

“It shouldn't be really. I changed dozens of my cousin's nappies when I used to baby sit, just slightly more surreal version of that, I suppose.”

“Great, oh, one more thing.”

“What's that?”

“You see that camera there?”


“It's a web cam, it runs 24-7. There is one in the kitchen and one in my bedroom. I am running a pay web site with my sister's help to fund your wages and pay for all the food I eat.”

“So people can watch you all day long over the internet?”

“Yeah, they are watching us right now. There is no sound or anything - is that a bit too surreal for you?”

“As long as I don't have to do anything for the cameras then it should be okay. Does anybody come around or anything?”

“Oh no, nothing like that, so…”

“…Okay, you're on boss! I will quit tomorrow.”

“Great, you can move in whenever. You can have Eve's old room!”

That weekend Mel moved her few possessions into Eve's bedroom and quit her job. She told them she was starting a new job, so they allowed her to miss working out her notice. They decided to weigh Mel to see just how big she had gotten, and when it said 320lbs, she was more surprised then Jenny. One good thing about moving in with a gainer was the clothes: she wore Jenny's old gear and didn't have to suffer with her too tight wardrobe. On her first day, she was taken aback at just how much Jenny was eating, near full pelt all day long. It soon came up in conversation that she was now deliberately gaining weight, and Melanie was not at all surprised by this revelation. She just shrugged and opened up some chocolate for Jenny's hungry belly. Jenny wasn't 100% focused on her own eating for a change, as she now could enjoy Mel's company and also enjoy seeing Mel eat like she used to back at work.

She started work at the beginning of October, and by Halloween both girls enjoyed the time spent together. It was the best job Melanie had ever had because she got to hang out with her best friend all day, eat all she wanted and not have anybody judge her for overindulging. Plus, she was being paid money when she had no expenses to worry about. They didn't bother to dress up as they weren't going out, but to be festive they bought in lbs of Halloween chocolates: one dish for the kids and then another dozen dishes for them. Jenny had eight, and Melanie had the other six and felt ill from over eating for the fifth time that week. Jenny took pleasure in seeing Melanie stuffed and bloated. She hadn't seen a belly that fat and full of food other then her own, and she just loved it.

The build-up to Christmas was rapid as ever, and both girls got into the festive spirit in November. Everything they consumed was on the festive theme, and what they seemed to put away was increasing nearly by the day. When Jenny prepared to go away to her Nan's place on the 21st, she weighed a heavy 804lbs and was nearly bedridden. Her gut hung perilously close to the floor when she stood, which took a lot of help, a lot of time and a lot of effort. Walking was a slow and tedious process, and, just getting her out of bed and to the top of the stairs, they all had second thoughts about whether it was worth taking her. Jenny knew it, too, and finally panted that she should stay. So Melanie and Jenny stayed at home and her parents both went.

“I feel bad that you can't go, Jenny.”

“Me, too. I love the pool and the food is great.”

“Looks like it's just you and me then, babe.”

“Cool. You know, there is something I have been wondering. I know I am too fat to pretty much do anything other then lie here and eat, but what about you?”


“You've been sitting here with me and eating right along, Can you still get about easily?”

“Of course, I can, Jen. I know I have put on a little weight since I started working here, but I am still quite light on my feet, compared to some.”

“Yeah, well, it wasn't just me who was looking out of breath when we got to the top of the stairs.”

“That's cus I had to carry you out of bed and stuff.”


“Why do you ask?”

“I just don't want you getting bedridden like me.”

“I am miles away from being that big. I only weigh like… 350?”

“Don't you know? Go on, let's see how big you have gotten,” said Jenny, watching Melanie's fat arse sway from side to side as she went and weighed herself. She came back a moment later and sat in silence until Jenny asked how much.

“…394lbs…The weird thing is that I don't feel fat in the slightest, and that number doesn't mean a thing to me.”

“I must be rubbing off on you. You're developing my mentality on weight, and you're filling out those jeans, too.”

“I know they…” started Melanie, getting interrupted by the doorbell. They both looked at each other and thought it was weird as Melanie wasn't getting any visitors and Jenny definitely wasn't. Melanie went and got it and came thudding up the stairs and into Jenny's room with the visitor.

“Bloody hell, Eve, you're fat!”

“Nice to see you too, sis,” said Eve, waddling into the room and sitting on the other chair next to Melanie.

“…I thought you liked being thin?”

“I did, but I saw how much fun you were having eating all you wanted and I missed it. I started off having the odd binge, but soon I found myself eating all I could…and loving the results.”

“Wow, so how big are you?” asked Melanie, slightly jealous of Eve by Jenny's enthusiastic reaction to her sister's bulk.

“217lbs, the biggest I have ever been - and I feel better then ever. Jenny, I understand how good it feels to see people watch you inflate and see how they stare at you when you let it all hang out.”

“I thought it was me who was the weirdo. So how did you know I was here and not at Nan's?”

“Mom called, so I just got off the train and caught another one here. I am all yours until the 29th, so, girls, let's eat. Melanie, you look great. I can tell Jenny has been a bad influence, so how are you enjoying it?”

“It's strange, I don't feel anything about it.”

“Wait until you're a little bigger before you really feel the weight, trust me,” said Jenny as all three girls stopped talking and began eating.

The rest of the day, the day after and the next days after that they spent all the time by Jenny's bed, only Eve and Melanie getting up to get more food or go out shopping with Jenny's credit card. It was soon clear that Melanie and Eve had a little rivalry and began to try and out eat each other. Eve wasn't much competition, but she pushed herself further then Melanie did at every chance. By Christmas Day she looked chubbier then when she first arrived, and she had started wearing Jenny's old gear just like Melanie. They didn't bother with a traditional Christmas dinner and just had what little takeout food was open and the entire contents of the kitchen. By the afternoon, Melanie and Eve were both stuffed and Jenny wasn't her usual starving self. The two decided to get Jenny stuffed, something she hadn't fully experienced for a long time and forced food down her throat faster then she could chew it. Hours went by and tons of food went into Jenny. By 11:00 she was full; by 12:00 she was stuffed and by 2:30 in the morning she was painfully stuffed and semi-conscious. It was the best Christmas gift she could ask for, and Eve and Melanie were both very happy with their full stomachs.

The next few days went past very quickly, and Eve left with bags full of Jenny's old clothes, fatter then ever. Mel was happy to see her go so Jenny would now have to giver her full attention to the person bringing her food and cleaning her up. The two weighed over 1200lbs between the two of them, and as it became apparent Jenny was twice as fat a Mel they decided to have a little deal. Jenny didn't want Mel getting as fat as her and getting bedridden. Being maybe 600lbs or so would be fine - it would be great, in Jenny's mind. So they decided to weigh themselves regularly, and they both agreed Mel should stay at half Jenny's weight. Mel could only put on one lb for every two Jenny put on. This would slow down her gain and hopefully not allow her to get too fat.

“You just want me skinny enough to bring you your food, don't you?”

“You can see right through me, can't you Mel? Now pass me that cake; I'm peckish.”

Melanie found it bizarre, having to hold back on her eating when she jumped ahead. As time went by, she knew Eve would be catching up on her.

The new weight Mel had gained started to take effect. She was getting stared at like a freak when food shopping for Jenny, but that was more to do with the volume of fatty food she was buying instead of her obesity. At night, after Jenny was asleep, she would inspect her new body, each fatty roll, each handful of cellulite, each new stretch mark. The fatter she grew, the more interested she got in her own body.

January, February and March, she watched her body swell, and Jenny watched her friend grow fatter and fatter. She saw her getting out of breath when returning from the kitchen with food; she saw Melanie waddle more then ever and she saw Melanie wear tighter and more revealing clothes. By the start of April, Jenny had grown to a whopping 918 and hadn't left her bed that year. She spent her days stuffing her fat face and surveying her vast empire of fat. Her legs were forced open by their massive circumference, and her gut rolled over her fat shins. Her breasts flopped to the sides of her quivering gut, and her massive arms rested at her sides, constantly tired from having to go all the way up to her mouth all day long. She wheezed all day long and was getting the beginnings of the odd bed sore, but other then that she was as happy as a pig in mud.

This meant Melanie was 459lbs and had came to the conclusion she was never going to diet away her gorgeous, very much top-heavy body. She hadn't chosen to put on weight, but decided that if she naturally carried on gaining weight by eating a 'sensible' amount she wouldn't be upset. The girls were looking forward to a very special visitor who would be arriving later that day, so they bought in lots of extra food especially for her and at midday she came waddling up the stairs and into Jenny's room.

“Eve, wow you look great!” said Melanie, being the first to notice Jenny's twin at the door.

“Hi girls, you guys are looking great too. So are you going to offer me something to eat? I am starving!”

Eve took her seat and they sat in near silence for the next three-and-a-half hours before getting into a conversation.

“So, sis, you look great. How big are you now?”

“Dunno, my scales stop at 240lbs, and I passed that. I will check it out. Be right back” said Eve, hauling herself up and heading to the bathroom. She came back with a smile and a number: “311lbs - wow, more then I thought!”

The girls all thought about the math of each of their weights and knew Eve was catching up to Melanie really quickly.

“So, you're 150lbs behind me, Eve. Reckon you can catch me up?”

“Well, depends on how much Jenny is eating. If you carry on gaining half the rate Jenny is, then I reckon I can catch up, sooner or later.”

“I don't know. 150lbs is a lot, even if I am only increasing at half the rate Jenny is, that still means you will have to put on a lot very quickly.”

“Sounds like a wager to me, girl,” said Jenny. “How long do you think it will take to catch up on Mel?”

“God knows. 150lbs is a lot, but, then again, I have already gained more then 150, and I loved doing that.”

“Okay, Eve, catch me if you can!”

The girls then went back to eating and didn't stop until bedtime. Eve only stayed a few days, but she stayed on Mel's mind over the following weeks and months. She watched her own weight climb slowly and wondered just how quickly Eve was putting on weight and if she could maintain her fast rate of weight gain. She began getting Jenny food when she didn't ask for it and kept her up and later and woke her up earlier just to get her to gain that little bit more weight, which would enable her to gain that much more and make the gap that much bigger. Jenny's health wasn't even a factor in all of it as her live-in boss and best friend got fatter and fatter and got more and more out of breath just from the effort of eating.

The summer wasn't good for Jenny. Being so fat and being stuck in bed with that heat meant she was constantly glistening with sweat. She now found herself panting when she wasn't chewing food. When autumn rolled by, Jenny felt a lot better as she was no longer so hot, but the effects of being bedridden were finally taking place. Her bedsores were getting worse, and she now had an air tube in her nose to help her breath properly. Other then being inside one room for so long, with just a very few people as company, she was feeling pretty good. The air tube made her feel hundreds of lbs lighter, though her body was fatter then ever, with her stomach now almost covering her feet.

It was the start of October and Jenny clocked in at 1164lbs and was now so fat she could barely move her arms to get to her own mouth. Melanie had taken over and now hand fed her all day long. Eating one of every two things Jenny had, it roughly worked out as half the weight gain, and she made sure that by the end of the day she had caught up if she had fallen a bit behind. They were both looking forward to Eve's upcoming visit and both very anxious to see how big she had gotten. When she did arrive, Jenny could hear her footsteps were slower and heavier then the last time she visited.

She walked in, and Jenny smiled, and Mel frowned as the smiling Eve stood in the doorway, literally bursting out of some jeans and wearing a very tight top.

“So, Mel, what do you weigh now? I have been working hard to catch you up.”

“I can tell. I'm 582lbs.”

“Wow, that's great. You carry it well; I will be right back,” said Eve, waddling off to the scales. She came back with a smile and news: “494lbs, man, I'm getting chubby. I knew I was getting big, but I didn't think I was that fat yet. So that makes me…88lbs lighter then you now, Mel.”

“At this rate you might actually catch me.”

“But we will both be a little bigger by then; we might need to get our own assistants like Jenny.”

“Tell me about it. I get out of breath so fast now. But the good outweighs the bad if you excuse the pun.”

“True, anyway, enough of this talking. Let's eat! I am starving!”

They again ate in near silence, and, even when Eve went home, Jenny and Mel spent their days eating in near silence, all in effort to get bigger. Mel made Jenny eat lots so she would get fatter faster just to prevent Eve catching her up. There was nothing riding on their little bet other then pride, and, if you can't take pride in getting fat, then there wasn't much point in doing it.

Eve came again on Christmas Day and she had done more catching up. Jenny was 1275lbs and was now being totally dependant on Melanie. She had to feed her all of her food by hand, wash her with a cloth daily, rub the bed sore cream on her and clean her up when she needed the toilet. It was becoming more and more work, so she often had to eat at night after Jenny dozed off to sleep. This meant Mel was 638lbs and Eve now weighed 592 and felt bad she had missed out on putting on 100lbs since she'd last visited. Mel was amazed at Eve's dedication and her ability to get so fat so fast. The gap was now only 46lbs.

“Do you want to call this little bet quits, Mel?”

“You haven't caught me yet, Eve. I am still fatter.”

“Alright, next time I see you two, I reckon I will have caught up.”

“It's no wonder really. I am only allowed to gain half as fast as Jenny. She doesn't gain as fast as she used to, and it's not fair.”

“Fine, you eat all you want now. I reckon I can still catch you up now that the gap isn't so big.”


From then on, Mel fed Jenny with one hand and herself with the other. She worked harder then she had ever done in her life, unwrapping food faster then ever to keep herself and Jenny fed. She wasn't getting wages anymore, just free food. The web site cash and both of their disability cheques paid for the food, and Jenny's savings were always there to help out if they got caught short.

Melanie's duties, too, were getting in the way of her own feeding, so she now let Jenny sleep in all she wanted and go to sleep as soon as she got tired. It meant more free time to herself to eat and keep up her lead. Meanwhile, Eve only had a few hours out of her days that she was busy studying, and the rest was dedicated to eating. Stuffing herself on huge amounts of cheap, fatty food, she was eating more food - and more importantly more fattening food - then Mel and felt confident she would again decrease the gap.

She did when she next came home in late May and found everybody fatter, just the way she expected. By now, Jenny had grown to 1426lbs, not such a big gain, as Mel was spending more time on herself. But now she was struggling to get her breath even with her air on max. Her belly covered her legs all the way down past her feet, and now there was only a few inches of visible thigh fat on each side of her belly. 818lbs was Mel's current weight, and she now found herself near immobility, struggling to even get up, let alone walk anywhere. Food was now being delivered to the house, and Jenny's savings were disappearing rapidly. When Eve rang the doorbell, it took Mel a few minutes to get there and what she saw upset her a lot. They both came back up to Jenny, dripping with sweat and gasping for air.
“God, Eve, you're fat!”

“Thanks, so let's weigh in, Mel,” said Eve. Both girls went away and came back to Jenny a few minutes later.


“We are both 818lbs.”

“No way, what are the chances of that happening?”

“Remote, well I am not fatter then you yet Mel, not yet”

The two still barely mobile fatties sat and started eating, each trying to outdo the other. When they stopped eating long enough to talk, it came up that Eve was not going back to school in a few days. She had dropped out of college a few weeks ago after attending very few classes and getting grades so low Jenny would laugh at them. She wasn't going to get work at her weight, so there was no point in missing out on valuable eating time.

By the start of June, Eve's and Jenny's room were knocked into one big room, and all three girls had a bed each. The two girls spent their time either looking after Jenny or eating. They took it in turns to keep Jenny fed and cleaned while the other gorged, and it was an arrangement that worked out for them all pretty well. Up until both Eve and Mel found it harder to get around did they have a problem. September bought them to virtual immobility, as Mel weighed 931lbs and Eve had surpassed her at 938lbs, while Jenny was helpless at 1515lbs.

“Can somebody help me? I need to go,” wheezed Jenny.

“Again? Oh God, give me a sec to get up,” said Mel, swaying from side to side to shift her bulk to the edge of her bed. She swung one leg off then other before resting to get her breath back. Then she grabbed a wall with one fat hand and the bed with the other and tried to rock back and forth to build up the momentum to get up. But she couldn't; her fat limbs and massive gut were too big and heavy. After trying for a while, she gave up and said she couldn't get up. Eve tried after that and got even less close to getting up.

“So what are we going to do?”

“Get mom to get us assistants,” suggested Eve, loving the fact that she was stuck under her own fat.

Three young girls came around the next day, all roughly the same age as them, and were all open mouthed disgusted at their new employers. Each weighed less then 130lbs and began their duties, horrified about having to clean such fat people, and were even more disturbed by how much they had to feed them. But by the end of their first day, which was from 9:00 in the morning till 10:30 at night, they got talking to the girls and found them very nice and friendly. Walking in the next day, they were far less disgusted and by the end pf the week they hardly noticed their massive bulk other then having to clean them up. They could still get Mel and Eve to the toilet if all three helped, but Jenny was way beyond that, and it took all three just to roll her over to clean her up. The job was easy: one would go out and buy food daily; another would feed Jenny by hand and the other would give food to Mel and Eve who could still feed themselves.

By mid-July all, three fatties noticed their new nurses were all a little bigger and filled their outfits more then when they first arrived. Jenny had experienced the beginnings of somebody fattening up from her influence, and she loved it more then ever, and the other two enjoyed it, too, seeing others fatten up.

Months rolled by, and the six of them were all enjoying life. The three now bedridden girls just got to eat all day long, while their caregivers were paid lots of cash by the hospital to just sit around all day and do very little. They enjoyed cleaning up the young fatties more then the old people they would be looking after if they were not there.

The girls didn't notice their weight gain at the start, as their eating habits were different, instead of meals they were just snacking all day long. And the amount they were eating looked like nothing compared to what they were feeding their patients.

A Merry Christmas was had by all. The three nurses turned up on Christmas day wearing their hospital uniforms and Father Christmas hats on. They came upstairs each overburdened with food to wake up their girls. Mel now weighed 1189lbs and was now so big it took all three girls to get her to the toilet. She didn't want them cleaning her up like they did Jenny, but now she was getting too fat to turn them down, and a few times she had them clean her up. Eve had porked her way to 1237lbs and loved getting the girls explore her rolls to clean her up. Jenny now weighed 1778lbs and lay motionless all day other then her mouth. She just let the girls slide food into her mouth, and she just gulped it all down every waking hour. She was still wheezing while on the air, but other then that she was just the same as ever. But they weren't the only ones who were fatter. All three nurses had put on weight and were all now above 190lbs. They all knew they had put on weight, but it didn't seem to matter, being around such massive people all day long.

Time carried on, and the group just carried on eating and eating, all getting fatter and either loving it or not being too bothered about it. A few years on, Jenny and Eve's mom came home to see one of the nurses in the kitchen.

“Oh, hi Joy, how are you today?”

“I'm great, thanks. Did you have a nice day at work?”

“Yes, it was alright actually. So getting more food for the girls?” she asked, seeing her holding four boxes of doughnuts.

“Yeah, you know how much they can pack away.”

“So how are you enjoying work here? You've been here for a few years now. Is it getting to you, being stuck up in that room all day every day?”

“A bit I suppose, but it's probably the best caregiving job I have ever had. First, I'm not dealing with mad old people and best of all I can snack on whatever I want.”

“I can see.”

“What? Oh, yeah, I guess me and the girls have gained a bit of weight since we started here.”

“A bit of weight?”

“Yeah, I am only 495lbs, the skinniest one up there.”

“And that doesn't bother you, being so big so young?”

“I'm not big. I'm nothing compared to your daughters, not yet.”

“So are the others bigger then you?”

“Yep, Stacey is like 527, and Sarah is now 560 or so.”

“Well, just bear in mind, you're not here to eat; you're here to look after the girls.”

“I know, if anything our size is a bonus. It helps us roll them over when we have to clean them up. Is there anything else?”

“No, just have a good day.”

“Oh. we will,” she said eating a doughnut from the box on top of the pile in her fat arms. As she walked off, her huge arse wobbling with each step the two twins' mother thought about how much they had changed: 'At least Jenny isn't out all the time drinking and, God knows what, and Eve now has some friends.'

“Hi, just getting more food, don't mind me,” said Stacey, thudding downstairs and seeing her employer's mom standing, still obviously in deep thought.

“Okay, make sure you girls have your fair share to eat, too. Don't want you wasting away and being too frail and weak to be able to keep the girls clean.”

“No worry of that. I just can't stop eating lately; no matter now hard I try, I just keep eating and getting bigger.”

“You carry it well, though.”

“Thanks, I just wonder what I will look like when I get bigger.”

“Something like those three upstairs probably.”

“Yeah, right. I doubt I can get that big, but you never know. Anyway, I gotta get food up to them. They are all starving.”

Things went on the same in that house. The neighbours saw the nurses come in and out and get fatter and fatter until one day they were replaced by a batch of three new, skinny girls. Then they stared to fill out, and again people watched them get rounder and rounder. Nobody had seen the twins for years, but people wondered, and there were rumours, and it was obvious people were in there, and, by the amount of food coming in to the house, somebody was over indulging.

Eve, Jenny and Mel all grew into womanhood and extreme obesity. Their weight went out of control. They loved it so much that they knew they would never give it up. . .