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34 bytes removed, 07:24, 11 April 2024
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{{Modelinfo|name = Cheesecakechub|image =Cheesecakechub.jpg|height = 5’ 9’’175cm / 5'9"|weight = 310 lbs.140kg / 310lb|weight_class = BBW|body_type = Apple|activity = Retired|earning_status = Amateur‎Amateur|modeling_network = |website = [ Her Fantasy Feeder profile]|youtube = [ Cheesecakechub's Youtube Channelcheesecakechub9794]|tumblr = [ cheesecakechub]}}'''Cheesecakechub''' is a 19-year-old Caucasian BBW who lives in the United Kingdom.
She By her own account, she has accounts on been obsessed with gaining and fatness since the age of 5,<sup>[ YouTubecitation needed], [https:<// Tumblr], sup> and [ Fantasy Feeder]gradually gained over time to reach her current weight.
By her own account, she has been obsessed with gaining and fatness since the age of 5, and gradually gained over time to reach her current weight. She began posting on Tumblr and YouTube while still a minor, but stopping after most of her posts were flagged or self-deleted, she went on hiatus; however, after turning 18 in October , 2016, she subsequently became returned to being active on both sites once again. Since late October , 2017, she has been had once again gone inactive once more. She , and on March 17th, 2019 deleted all of her videos on March 17th 2019.

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