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Donna Simpson

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In November 2007, she joined [[Supersized Bombshells]] under the pseudonym Treasure and, according to her own account, "Just relaxed, and started eating anything and everything." Her highest number of calories ingested in a day was 13,000, she says. She immediately began putting on weight, with much of it going to her vast stomach, which stuck out "like a truck driver" and also hung down near her knees at her peak weight. She also developed a very round face and double chin.
  By mid-2008, she reached her peak weight of 630 pounds, as stated on her website and shown in video. "I know it's bad for your health," she said. "But it's really addictive. You reach one milestone and all you can think of is the next milestone. She then declared her goal weight to be 1000 pounds.
In 2011, after splitting with her long-term partner and moving to Akron, Simpson decided to begin dieting in order to reach a target weight of 370 pounds so that she could more easily take care of her children.
Anonymous user

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