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{{Modelinfo|title1 = Porcelain|image1 = DSC 0217.JPG|height = 5' 9"|weight = 571 lbs.|weight_class = SSBBW|body_type = Apple|activity = Active|earning_status = Professional|part_of_a_network = Yes; BBW Foxes|website = []}}'''Porcelain '''is a 23-year-old Caucasian SSBBW who lives in Scotland. She is currently a model fat fucking sexy women for [[BBW Foxes]]. She identifies as a [[feedee]]. Her lowest weight was 503 lbs in Apr 2015 and highest was 571 lbs in Feb 2016 according to her [ Feabie] timeline.
She is in an ongoing feeder relationship with DeviantArt creator [ DestructiveOrgy].