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{{Modelinfo|title1 = Donna Simpson|image1 = [[image:Treasure.JPG|thumb]]|height = 5' 4"|weight = 630 lbs. (peak)|cup_size = 56E|weight_class = USSBBW|body_type = Apple|activity = Retired|earning_status = Professional|part_of_a_network = Yes; Supersized Bombshells|website = [http://supersizedbombshells.com/Treasure/Treasure.html supersizedbombshells.com/Treasure/Treasure.html]}} '''Donna Simpson'''(aka Treasure Bombshell) is a 50-year-old Caucasian USSBBW who lives in Ohio. She has been a guest model on [[Gaining Gabi]]'s site. She first came to fame in February 2007, when she was declared '''Heaviest Woman to Give Birth''' by Guinness World Records. She weighed 532 pounds at the time. At one point, she appeared on ''The Tyra Show'' alongside BigCutie [[Jae]]. She was also featured on National Geographic's ''Taboo'' and Television New Zealand's ''Close Up''. In November 2007, she joined [[Supersized Bombshells]] under the pseudonym Treasure. By mid-2008, she reached her peak weight at 630 pounds and declared her goal weight to be 1000 pounds. In 2011, after splitting with her long-term partner and moving to Akron, Simpson decided to begin dieting in order to reach a target weight of 370 pounds so that she could more easily take care of her children. However, she has stated that she would be open to resuming her weight gain if she finds the right person.
[[Category:Big Hot Bombshells]]
[[Category:600 Club]]
[[Category:Guinness World Record Holder]]
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