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{{Modelinfo|name = Gina Gershwin|image = GetImage.jpg|height = |weight = 750+ lbs.|weight_class = USSBBW|body_type = Pear|activity = Retired|earning_status = Professional|modeling_network = |website = [http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/images/ads/gina/ Dimensions 500 Club - Gina]
[https://web-beta.archive.org/web/19990423032747/http://www.arealfg.com:80/ arealfg.com] (offline; Archive.org backup)}}'''Gina Gershwin''' was is a former model featured in the [[Dimensions 500 Club]]. Her peak known weight was listed as 750+ pounds. her measurements were 86-68-115. She was featured, along with her husband Mark, in the 2003 documentary, ''Fat Girls and Feeders''.