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7 bytes removed, 11:49, 5 November 2020
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'''SkitsyBaebay''' is a 22-years old SSBBW, feedee and [ findom] who lives in Texas. She was [ 510lb] at her heaviest, but she has lost weight due to health issues, such as Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. As of 2020, she is gaining weight again. On the [ /r/ssbbw] subreddit, she frequently posts as [ Summertime_sadness15], where she wrote in 2020:
<blockquote>I’ve been mega fat my entire life. I haven’t been under 300lbs since I was like 14 lol. I will say that this year has been the first time I’ve struggled to gain. I lost 90lbs due to an illness and trying to gain back has been hard. It requires a lot of money for food. I don’t have a very fast metabolism so it’s definitely easier for me to gain than it is for other people. I still need to eat around 4000 calories a day if I want to steadily pack on the pounds.</blockquote>
<blockquote>"I love cooking, baking, fishing, horror movies, makeup, cannabis and trying out new restaurants. I’m a mortuary science major.
I’m obsessed with Breaking Bad & Forensic Files. I’m also obsessed with chicken wings. I’m a hedonistic glutton and I just enjoy being fat."</blockquote>
[[File:Skitsy 430lbs.png|thumb|left|Skitsy at 430lbs]]
[[File:Skitsy scale.png|thumb|right|Weight in, January 2020]]

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