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Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty

14 bytes added, 22:40, 10 July 2021
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{{Modelinfo|name = Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty|image = veryveryfatwomanfile:///Veryveryfatwoman.jpeg |height = 4' 8"|weight = 1100 lbs. (peak)|weight_class = USSBBW|body_type = Hourglass}}'''Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty '''is a 36-year-old Middle-Eastern USSBBW who lives in Egypt. She is considered to be the heaviest living woman in the world and the second heaviest woman in history (after [[Carol Yager]]), weighing in at approximately 1100 pounds.
In February 2017, she was transported to India to undergo bariatric surgery. By the end of April, she managed to get down to 389 pounds and continued to lose on her way to a goal of 220 pounds; however, she mostly disappeared from the news until September 2017, when she was reported deceased.

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