→Magazine History
=Magazine History=
Dimensions Magazine evolved out of a civil-rights-group newsletter. NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) was the original size acceptance advocacy group in the United States aimed at big people. A FA (fat admirer) 'special interest group' (FA-SIG) was formed to discuss FA issues, and a black-and-white paper newsletter, also named FA-SIG, was started for that group. Several covers' art was were drawn by Susan Mason. After a naming competition, the newsletter evolved into Dimensions Magazine.
The owner of Dimensions also owned Pen Computing Magazine. Most cartoon covers from 1985 onward were drawn by Ned Sonntag. In 1989, the magazine introduced color pin-up covers of real models using glossy paper. The magazine featured aspiring models, some of whom became successful online in the years following. The print version of Dimensions Magazine ended in mid-1995, with an additional final issue published several years later.
=Website and Forum=