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Dimensions Magazine

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Dimensions Magazine was published by Shardco Inc in Albany, New York, starting in 1984. It was edited by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer. The owner of Dimensions also owned and published Pen Computing Magazine. Most cartoon covers from 1985 onward were drawn by Ned Sonntag, and in 1989 the magazine introduced color pin-up covers of real models using glossy paper with Issue 42. The magazine featured aspiring models, some of whom became successful online in the years following. The publication of Dimensions Magazine ended in 2002 with Issue 88.
Most issues were up to 64 pages with glossy color print, and back issues cost $5.50 each.
=Website and Forum=
|September 1997
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:DMcover76.jpg|150px]]
|[[Cat]] & [[Michelle]]

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