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Dimensions Magazine

17 bytes added, 08:41, 12 March 2020
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Most issues were up to 64 pages with glossy color print, and back issues cost $5.50 each.
[[April Jasmine]]
=Website and Forum=
Soon after the mainstream adoption of the internet, Dimensions created a website, posting columns and weight gain stories featured in the magazine as well as running competitions for aspiring models for their publication. Elsewhere, a woman known as BBW-QT created a website featuring personal ads for BBWs and FAs, which included a discussion board and a chatroom. The website's bandwidth charges soon became too much for BBW-QT to continue supporting, as the popularity of the forum and chatroom increased dramatically, so a deal was made for Dimensions to absorb the discussion board and chatroom, while BBW-QT closed her site. The new Dimensions community grew and by the late 1990's, Dimensions had become widely regarded as THE online site for fat admiration.

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